Male-Female Differences, Cultural and Ethnic Differences
1. What is meant by "cultural effects" and how culture might influence personality.
2. Define the construct of race and explain potential problems with using it as an approach to grouping people.
3. What are two broad areas of research that lead us to believe that some behavioral/personality characteristics may be biologically (genetically/hormonally) determined and give two specific example of research that points to this conclusion.
4. Describe how three different perspectives of the eight perspectives discussed in the text; also explain relations between personality and culture. Which theory accounts for cultural influences on personality best and Worst?
5. Take one element of the theories and ideas presented and apply it to a real person - for example, someone from current events, politics, business, sports, the entertainment field. Define the terms you're using, and apply them to an aspect of this person's life (a specific action, behavior, or decision, for example).How can we understand this person more fully by using this concept to understand him/her?