Question 1: Audience analysis is a key activity during presentation preparation. What are some elements? Audience analysis involves answering questions before preparing your presentation. One presentation may have multiple purposes due to the variety of professions represented in the audience. Each may want to hear different information. Writing a purpose statement will help clearly identify the goals of the presentation and information relative to audience members. Also, a presenter should be cognizant of time. The longer a presentation goes, the less receptive the audience is to information. Some questions to consider are: How many people do you expect? Who are the most influential members? What evidence will impress the group? What is the group's attitude toward the company I represent? Audience analysis also includes analyzing on the spot in order to adjust for factors not available in advance.
Question 2: What is meant by BFOQ? What is its relevance to employment interviews, performance appraisals, and disciplinary interviews? BFOQ stands for bona fide occupational qualification. BFOQ is any characteristic that is a valid criterion of job performance. In relation to employment interviews, performance appraisals and disciplinary interviews, a manager should only ask BFOQ questions. Questions relating to age, national origin, general health, gender, ethnic background, number of children, or marriage status.