
What is meant by a pattern of contagion

Assignment task: Why Do Viruses Kill?

1. How many viruses are there?

2. What is meant by a "pattern of contagion?"

3. What is a "global pandemic?"

4. Why do viruses need to replicate inside a cell?

5. What category of organisms was discovered in the 1970's?

6. What convinced scientists that viruses are older than what we previously thought?

7. What is the most deadly virus of all? What does it affect (body system)?

8. What is the biggest barrier a virus has to overcome to jump from animals to humans?

9. What is monkey pox? Why are scientists studying it? How is it transmitted?

10. How deadly is the small pox virus? 1 in how many people die? Total deaths? How is it spread?

11. Why was the small pox vaccination project successful and why how did it happen?

12. Why is vaccine development so difficult for a virus like HIV?

13. What is it influenza can do besides mutating (what is viral sex)?

14. Why do viruses not want to kill their host?

15. What genetic material is found in polio? How was the first synthetic virus made?

16. In what ways are viruses "good for us"?

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Biology: What is meant by a pattern of contagion
Reference No:- TGS03418666

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