
What is meaning of co-construct learning in early childhood

Assignment task: You are working as an educator. Your supervisor has asked you to plan an art experience for children in your group aged 3-5-years-old.

1. Based on the art experience you selected, answer the following questions:

A) Provide the name of the activity you will plan for the children.

B) How will you set up the environment to make it aesthetically appealing for the children?

C) List all materials required for the activity.

D) List three learning dispositions the children may display when exploring the experience.

E) Provide three learning opportunities the experience will provide for children.

F) Develop a list of five reflective questions you can use to reflect on your involvement in the experience.

2. What is the meaning of co-construct learning in early childhood?

3. Provide three examples of co-construction used by educators in the classroom.

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Other Management: What is meaning of co-construct learning in early childhood
Reference No:- TGS03378636

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