
what is mass communication for questions 1

What Is Mass Communication?



For Questions 1 and 2, read Chapters 1 and 2 in the Course Text, The Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in Transition.


1. Define "mass communication" in 25-50 words. You should use your own words to summarize what you have read. Your definition should include two of the distinguishing characteristics of mass communication, as show in Table 1-1 in Chapter 1 of your text (e.g., receiver, feedback, noise).


Insert your answer below





For Instructor Use Only

Question #1 Rubric



Did the student define "mass communication" in his or her own words?  _____/5 points


Did the student have a description that included two distinguishing characteristics of mass communication? _____/5 points


Was the student's description 25-50 words and in complete sentences?  _____/2 points



Instructor Comments:




12 Points





2. Describe how mass communication is different from interpersonal and machine- assisted communication. Use at least one term from your course text.


Insert your answer below






For Instructor Use Only

Question #2 Rubric



Did the student describe how mass communication is different from interpersonal communication?  _____/ 5 points


Did the student describe how mass communication is different from machine-assisted communication?  _____/5 points


Did the student use at least one term from the course text? ____ /2 points


Instructor Comments:



12 Points





3. Watch the video "Processes of Choosing the Message and the Media," with Pauline Harris. Identify two machine-assisted strategies that she uses to build the visibility of her clients. Explain why these strategies are significant in mass media. Apply one term from the text.


Question #3 Rubric



Did the student identify two machine-assisted strategies that Pauline Harris used in her marketing firm?  _____/5 points


Did the student explain the significance of two machine-assisted strategies that Pauline Harris used?  _____/5 points


Did the student apply one term from the text?  _____/2 points


Instructor Comments:



12 Points





For Questions 4 through 6, read Chapter 3 in the Course Text, The Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in Transition. Then, complete the chart below by providing a one-sentence answer that highlights the varying modes of communication. As you complete the chart, you will distinguish between the similarities and differences of communicating between traditional and mass modes of communication. Remember to include the bolded key terms in your short answer response.



Traditional Communication

Mass Communication


Define the source of the message in traditional communication

Define the source of the message in mass media forms of communication.

The speaker is the source as they initiate conversation with another person in a face-to-face setting.


The source of the message in mass media can be an individual who uses the Internet. This individual can be the initiator when communicating to a broad audience. According to Dominick (2006). one individual can send a message to thousands (pg. 24).



Provide a definition of the encoding process in a traditional setting.

Explain one way that the encoding process in mass communication is distinct from traditional forms of communication.







Who is the receiver in a traditional communication setting? The receiver can communicate in the following manner: face-to-face, telephone, Internet, cell phone, etc.  Select two channels of communication that an individual may use in a traditional setting. For each medium, illustrate how the receiver gathers information by referencing an idea from the text.

Receivers can be those who gather news from the Internet, radio, mobile devices, apps, newspapers, etc. Select two mediums of mass media and describe them in two to three sentences. For each medium illustrate how the receiver gathers information by referencing an idea from the text (pg.11-25).

Medium One:



Medium One:



Medium Two:



Medium Two:




Define the term feedback in traditional forms of communication.

Define the term feedback in mass media forms of communication.









Questions #4-6 Rubric


Did the student distinguish how the "encode" process in communication differs between traditional and mass media? ____/ 2 points

Did the student select two channels of communication to describe how the receiver can communicate through traditional modes of communication?  ____/ 3 points

Did the student select two channels of communication to describe how the receiver can communicate through modes of mass media?  ____/ 3 points

Did the student distinguish the modes of feedback given in both traditional and mass media forms of communication? ___/ 2 points

Did the student apply one aspect of text in his/her response for both forms of communication? ___/2 points

Instructor Comments:



12 Points


_____ / 12



Short Answer


7. Write a paragraph or two in which you summarize how well different models explain different aspects of communication in different media. Incorporate three of the bolded terms from Questions 4-6 as part of your answer (i.e., source, encoding, channels, mediums, or feedback).


Question #7 Rubric



Did the student summarize how well different models explain different aspects of communication in different media ?_____/ 7 points


Instructor Comments:



12 Points





Worksheet Total Points

60 points








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