
What is maslow hierachy of needs

Question 1: What is Maslow's hierachy of needs? How do differnces in need priorieties influence consumer behavior ?

Question 2: Some suggest that it is important to distinsguish between a need and a want. From this perscpective, a need is something we must have, whereas a want represents something we desire but can live without. Do you think that is a meaningful distinctin? Why or why not?

Question 3: A business is perplexed by the unexpected results of its recent advertising campaign and has turned to you for help in underestanding what is going on. THis new campaign was designed to increase the advertised product's personal relevance to consumers by emphasizing its ability to fill previously underappreciated needs. Yet the campaign had no noticeable effect on sales of the advertiesed product. Rather, it appeared to stimulate the sales of a competitor. Why might this have occured?

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Other Management: What is maslow hierachy of needs
Reference No:- TGS01792236

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