
What is marcellas education and employment

Click on the link below to view the case scenario for this Assignment. While reviewing the case scenario please pay close attention to notice the answers to the following questions.

Take notes to jot down the answers to these questions as well as anything else that you feel may be useful in identifying risk factors for this client in conducting an assessment for substance use disorders.

Please carefully describe the client's demographic characteristics.

What is the presenting problem?

What is the pertinent family history?

What is the substance use history of the client's family?

What are some of the direct and indirect messages Marcella may have received from her family about substance use?

What is Marcella's education and employment history?

What is significant, in terms of risk factors, about Marcella's academic history?

Describe Marcella's social history?

What is Marcella's self-report of her substance use history?

What is significant, in terms of risk factors, about Marcella's description of her relationships with family members?

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Other Subject: What is marcellas education and employment
Reference No:- TGS01072954

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