
What is legislative history of the policy


Policy Analysis Assignment

This assignment requires you to identify a social problem, select a policy that addresses that particular social problem, and thoroughly analyze the policy.

Your final product should be a 5 to 7 pages double spaced APA formatted paper that addresses each of the questions below. If you do not think a question applies, please explain why. You are encouraged to thoroughly research your chosen policy and to cite sources as appropriate. You will need to cite at least 6 reputable sources.

Part One: Identification and Description of the Social Problem

1. Identify a social problem that you would like to focus on and address the following points.

• Describe the problem you have chosen in a sentence or two.

• Why do you think this it is a social problem?

Part Two: Identification and Description of a Policy that Addresses the Social Problem

1. What is the title of the policy?

2. What is the legislative history of the policy?

• When did the policy originate and how (law, court decision, executive order, etc.)?

• How has the original policy changed over time (if at all)?

3. Describe the policy including as relevant:

• How is the policy intended to work?

• How will it address the social problem it was intended to address?

• What types of resources or opportunities is the policy expected to provide (cash, job training, in-kind services and so on)?

• Who will be covered by the policy and what are the criteria for inclusion?

4. Who will administer the policy - i.e. what is the role of the private sector as well as local, state and federal governments in the development and implementation of the policy?

• Who has responsibility for overseeing, evaluating and coordinating the policy?

• Is there an evaluation process present?

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Business Law and Ethics: What is legislative history of the policy
Reference No:- TGS02064121

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