
What is krogstads central role in the plot of helmers


Ibsen's play, 'A 'Doll's house," is examined. These questions are posed:

1. In the early acts , Torvald Helmer holds forth on the role of the husband , standards of honesty or probity for dealing with money. Above all, in his talk and in many little ways , he demonstrates the role assigned to Nora in their household.What are revealing things he says and does ? What portrait of him as a major character emerges in Acts 1 and 2 ? How do you react to him?

2. In what ways does Nora live up to the stereotype of the ''little woman'' ? How does she confirm to her husband's conception of her ? What are telling details or patterns of behavior that make her the weaker partner in their marriage ? What are revealing things she says or does in the early acts of the play ?(

3.In Acts 1 and 2 , how does Mrs. Linde serve as a foil to Nora ? How does Isben use her to remind the audience of the harsh economic realities facing women on the fringes of middle - class society? ( What light do the comments of the Nurse throw on the role of lower-class women?)

4. What is Krogstad's central role in the plot of Helmer's ( and his society's ) standards about money , credit , and respectability ?What is the fact that at one time the two men were schoolmates an embarrassment to Helmer ?What is the role of the relationship between Krogstad and Mrs. Linde in the play as a whole ?

5. What is the nature of Nora's dealings with Krogstad ? How do they test her character and her view of the world ? How do they make her change or grow ? How do the revelations about the hushed -up events of the past change your view of Nora ?

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English: What is krogstads central role in the plot of helmers
Reference No:- TGS01924372

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