
What is knowledge management km cite your sources choose a


What is knowledge management (KM)? Cite your sources.

Choose a career field in Knowledge Management that represent a relevant profession or interest area to you.

Why did you choose this particular field (i.e., how does it relate to your job, profession, career or other interests)?

Lastly, how does your KM definition recognize and relate to the KM discipline you chose?

Here are a few suggested headings to use in your discussion to organize your responses:

1) KM definition

2) KM discipline/field and rationale for choosing

3) Relationship of KM definition to the KM discipline/field you chose?


Examine your present or past work organization or school institution for evidence of a KM life cycle approach and stages.

Describe the KM cycle you think is represented. Identify at least two life cycle stages along with specific examples to support your claims.

Discuss what new learning you took away from this exercise. Include headings to organize your responses.

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Business Management: What is knowledge management km cite your sources choose a
Reference No:- TGS01145043

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