
What is jad session describe the five major steps in


Question 1

What is feasibility analysis? List and briefly discuss three kinds of feasibility analysis.

Question 2

How can you classify costs? Describe each cost classification and provide a typical exampleof each category.

Question 3

There a several development methodologies for the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Among these are the Waterfall and System Prototyping models. Compare the two methodologies in details in terms of the following criteria.



System Prototyping


Requirements Clarity

System complexity

Project Time schedule


Question 4

What is JAD session? Describe the five major steps in conducting JAD sessions.

Question 5

State what is meant by the functional and non-functional requirements. What are the primary types of nonfunctional requirements? Give two examples of each. What role do nonfunctional requirements play in the project overall?

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Software Engineering: What is jad session describe the five major steps in
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