
What is it that the author is arguing her or his main


Length: 3-5 pages

A critique is a systematic analysis of an argument, an examination of the logic and support that undergirds the points the writer is making. You will now critique the essay"The New Liberal Arts" by Sanford J. Ungar. Your critique should begin with an introduction in which you list the author and title of the article you will critique, as well as what issue(s) the original article discusses. You should make clear two theses: (1) what is it that the author is arguing (her or his main idea-the "they say")? And (2) what is your thesis about how valuable her or his arguments are? (This will be your "I say.")

Next, a brief one-paragraph summary of the original author's argument will be helpful. Be sure to restate only what the author argues here (do not begin analyzing that argument until you have fairly described it). This section of your essay should be similar to the first essay you wrote, but will be a shortened, more compact summary than before.

The rest of the body of your essay-the majority of the paper-should analyze and evaluate the original author's arguments. Remember, it is perfectly reasonable to agree with some ideas and not with some others; there's no need to completely attack (or completely defend) the original author's positions. The body of your essay should run at least 2 full pages and comment on multiple points the author makes.

Last, you should conclude by assessing the overall validity of the article. Here you will want to remind the reader of both the strengths and weaknesses of the piece.

View the Entering the Conversation reading for additional help


Theses - should appear at the end of the intro paragraph.


Analysis - detailed examination/discussion of the author's arguments/ideas.

Evaluation - discussion of your judgment of the value of the author's arguments/ideas.

Focus - author's ideas are discussed in a focused manner, often focusing on one idea at a time.

Formatting (Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced, indented first line for each new paragraph).

Editing and Presentation (spelling, grammar, etc.).

Proper use of quoting/paraphrasing.

Proper use of topic sentence.


Attachment:- New-Liberal-Arts-San-for-Dungar.rar

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