
What is it about this topic that interested you share this

Research Project

Choose a topic in psychology that about anything.
Some ideas may include: the roles of psychologists, research in psychology, emotional intelligence, how language influences development, how perceptions influence relationships, learned helplessness, etc. and than wirte 3 to 4 pages research paper and Create a power point as the means to present your topic to the class. You can also include a brief video clip. Feel free to create an activity for the class that helps in understanding the topic.
Your presentation should be approximately 5-7 minutes.

Things to think about for your presentation are:
1. What is it about this topic that interested you? Share this with the class.
2. Clearly explain the topic and how it relates to psychology.
3. Research the topic beyond what the textbook or class lecture presented. You must add to the understanding of this topic. You will likely need to find at least three additional sources for your presentation.

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Reference No:- TGS01068668

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