
What is intuitive though and analytical thought


1. What is the corpus callosum and how does it work?
2. Know the differences in Fine Motor Skills and Gross Motor skills and what happens at each age.
3. Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage: Specifically things like pretend play, egocentrism, conservation errors and classification errors.
4. Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding
5. Theory of Mind
6. Language development of the child's mind: vocabulary growth, literal meaning, overregularization and impact of training.
7. The three parenting styles
8. What kind of effect does spanking have?
9. Sternberg's Triarchic theory of Intelligence
10. What is dyslexia? What is mediation deficiency? What makes a child gifted (aka IQ)?
11. Kohlberg's 3 Stages of Moral Development
12. Fair weather cooperation?
13. Boys begin puberty how much longer after girls? (in years)
14. What kind of changes does the adolescent brain go through?
15. What is the differences between the limbic system, Prefrontal cortex- What happens because of their 10 years difference in development?
16. Why don't teens get good sleep?
17. What is the imaginary audience?
18. Piaget's Formal Operations- Does everyone reach it?
19. What is intuitive though and analytical thought?
20. Marcia's Four Identity Statuses
21. Self Concept versus Self Esteem
22. Autonomy versus Attachment
23. Deviant Peer Contagion
24. Know the 5 characteristics of emerging adulthood
25. What sort of affects does alcohol and substance abuse have on the college student? *Know varying statistics
26. What connections are there between brain and sex?
27. Sexual orientation as a continuum.
28. Who is Alfred Kinsey?
29. Post Formal Thought and formal though in Young adult.
30. What is dialectal thought and dichotomies?
31. 4 Stages of Career Development
32. What is a NEET?

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