
What is intelligence-how lowenthal defines

Write a 2-3 pg. discussion paper and address the following:

a. What is intelligence? To answer this question, first look at how Lowenthal defines it: Intelligence is the process by which specific types of information important to national security are requested, collected, analyzed, and provided to policymakers; the products of that process; the safeguarding of these processes and this information by counter intelligence activities; and the carrying out of operations as requested by lawful authorities (Lowenthal, 2002).

Note the parts with which you agree, disagree, or about which you have questions.

b. Then do a Web search with the key words "definition: national security intelligence." This will lead you to multiple sites that define this concept. If you wish, you may expand your search to "definition: international security intelligence." This will lead you to other perspectives. Or, if you have experience in the intelligence community, review the definition by which your agency or organization conducted its security intelligence.

• From your Web search and intelligence experience, compare ONE different definition of the concept of intelligence to the Lowenthal definition. Post this definition. List and explain the differences and similarities in the two definitions. In your explanation, use examples to illustrate what you mean. (Avoid repeating one already posted by your classmates. If the definitions don't seem to vary, provide another source and comment about why the source and the definition seem consistent or not consistent.)

• Other points for discussion:

1. What is the meaning of "open-source" intelligence?

2. What does it mean to "misinterpret information" and how do people do this?3. What intelligence does the CIA collect on U.S. citizens, how, and why?c. What are the four potential pitfalls that intelligence can suffer that tend to undercut the function of intelligence in the eyes of the policymaker?

• To answer this question, first look at the four pitfalls that Lowenthal identifies. Keep in mind the parts you noted with which you agree, disagree, or about which you have questions.

• Next, do a Web search with the key words "intelligence pitfalls OR mistakes." You must use the quotes and capitalize the OR for this search to work well for you. When you do this, you should find multiple sites with information about intelligence pitfalls and mistakes. Look at one or two of these sites and consider how the information compares to the four pitfalls that Lowenthal defines.

• Next, do a Web search with the key words "intelligence pitfalls OR mistakes" AND policy. This will lead you to different sites about intelligence mistakes in the news. Look at one or two of these sites and consider how they compare to what you found in the first search and the four pitfalls that Lowenthal identified.

• Considering what you read from Lowenthal's statements about intelligence pitfalls, and what you found in the first and second web searches, post what you think is the most important pitfall and why you think it is of the greatest importance.

• Point out what you think needs to be kept secret by the U.S. and its allies and why.Must be in strict APA 6th format, including citations and references.

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