Must be a minimum of 1000 words
What is innovation? Who can be innovative? Step 1: Use your Innovation Journal to complete this task. Step 2: To begin to understand innovation, find a product or process that needs to be innovated. Sit in a common area and observe. This may be in your office, a coffee shop, or on a park bench. Begin to look at the world around you. Take notes of common problems people have. Is there a way to make these problems disappear with an innovative product or process? Step 3: Research the product or process. Research companies that currently own and use this product or process. Research the inventor or creator of the product or process. Obtain the product or process and begin to observe, scrutinize, and evaluate the product or process. Research what changes the product or process has gone through. Task1: Complete Innovation Journal Notes 1 about the product/process, the company, and the changes.