
What is independence theory


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Alexander and Nank (2009) describes “Interdependence Theory”, as a first practice that bridges public and non-profit agencies together.  The author dates the development of Interdependence Theory as, a historical process that has been present in governmental practices since the “founding of our nation” (p.365). Both, public and nonprofit agencies harbor a history of encompassing a shared compassion for serving the public (p.365).

According to the authors, Interdependence Theory provides an explanation of the manner in which public and nonprofits united from a mutual interest in public service and stimulated by, “voluntary failure” (Alexander and Nank, 2009).  Public and nonprofits were able to collectively non-profit agencies became a nature of solution and problem solver to social disruptions requiring an increased social connection.  Additionally, the author states nonprofit organizations as being primarily responsible for quelling community unrest and overall viewed as the initial entity responsible for direct service to the public (p.365).

The authors introduce questions surrounding the lack of specifics regarding nonprofits and the state ability to form a relationship comprising of “trust and citizen accountability”, (Alexander and Nank, 2009, p. 365).  The author’s criticism of Interdependence Theory, is evident of the results, lack of specifics may have on a study (APA, 2010).  As the authors further explore the premise of Interdependence Theory, questions surface surrounding a lack of thoroughness in explaining all components. The authors identify a lot of specifics, at to the explanation of what stimuli is necessary to produce efficient and successful collaboration between pubic-non-profit agencies.

The authors’ investigations lead to a course of study that summons questions about the influx of inductiveness relating to the ability to produce a public-nonprofit partnership that is effective, subsequently correlating with the level of citizen trust.  The content provides a correlation between citizen trust and the collaboration between public-non-profit partnerships.  Such collaboration serves as a beginning point to offer further improvements to public-nonprofit partnerships and increasing strong the overall confidence exhibited by the public (Alexander & Nank, 2009). The article through its observations, perceptions of emotions, and overall explanatory practices demonstrated a qualitative approach.


Alexander, J. & Nank, R. (2009). Public–Nonprofit partnership: Realizing the new public service. Administration & Society (41)3, 364–386.

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Creswell, J. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

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