Assignment Task: Our Universe
These are the questions you should be able to answer by the end of this session
Question 1: What is in the universe?
Question 2: How do we observe the universe?
You are to find a scientifically valid article or video on the Internet about a recent astronomical discovery (within the past 3 years). Use the links in the Discussion Overview (attached) to find recommended resources. Be sure your article is unique (it has not been already posted in your discussion group) and that it contains enough accurate information to answer the following questions:
Question 1: What is the discovery?
Question 2: What type(s) of electromagnetic radiation was used to make the discovery?
Question 3: Why is this discovery important?
Summarize the answers to these questions in a new discussion thread under Session Two.
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Tags: Universe Assignment Help, Universe Homework Help, Universe Coursework, Universe Solved Assignments, Discovery Assignment Help, Discovery Homework Help, Electromagnetic Radiation Assignment Help, Electromagnetic Radiation Homework Help
Attachment:- Overview of