
What is in the best interest of our national security


"A decision of this magnitude should not be about red states versus blue states, but rather what is in the best interest of our national security," she added. Space Command, established in 2019, reports directly to the secretary of defense and coordinates the military's activities in orbit - which include maintaining constellations of satellites for communications, navigation and spying. Political jockeying for its headquarters was inevitable, as it could bring thousands of uniformed service members, civilian employees and their families - and potentially millions of dollars - into a local economy. For Huntsville, which has billed itself as the Rocket City, that meant years of lobbying for Redstone Arsenal, a military juggernaut shrouded in trees about a 15-minute drive from downtown. It has long housed billions of dollars in research and development programs as well as NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. Though Alabama has been plagued by high rates of poverty and maternal mortality, struggling schools and a legacy of racism and disenfranchisement, advocates for the northern part of the state, which includes Huntsville, say the region has worked to insulate itself from those trends. Summarize in 50 words

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