
What is import substitution industrialisation



The question below has to be answered in an 8 pages essay.

1. Who was David Ricardo? Illustrate and explain his economic theories? Were they accurate? Might they be useful in the present?

2. In what ways did the French Enlightenment era help create the study of modern economics? Illustrate and explain all key figures
and their philosophies. Are they influences found still in the modern global economy? If so, in which ways?

3. Who was Jean Baptiste Say? Why is he important in IPE? Explain.

4. Who were Charles Fourier and Count Saint-Simon? What economic philosophies did they create? Are their views prevalent, still?

5. Who was Karl Marx? What was his economic philosophy? How and why has his economic philosophy been so widespread as well as controversial? Explain.

6. What is Import Substitution Industrialisation? What are its's problems? Explain.

7. What is the East Asian Model? Should the West imitate it? What are its's strength and weaknesses?

8. What kind of economic reform is occuring in China? Is it both good and bad for China as well as the global economy?

9. What are the global community's criticisms about the WTO's treatment of developing countries? Are their complaints valid?

10. What are Mititinational Corporations? Explain their evolution by illustrating examples of the first to evolve slowly thousands of years ago as well as the first global businesses to appear in the modern age. How are these kinds of businesses influencing the modern world economy in a positive or negative way? Should MNC's be regulated by the international community. Defend your point.

The format of the essay:

- The thesis statement should be 2 to 4 sentences and demonstrates the lay out of the essay.

- 3 to 5 paragraph of primary sources data, follow the thesis statement, and the textual readings of Thomas Oatley have to be used at least once.

- 3 to 4 secondary sources articles (be diverse; 1 to 2 magazine, newspaper and peer journal)

- Minimum 2 paragraphs of analysis that follows every one paragraph of primary or secondary paragraph.

- Compare & contrast primary and secondary data in analysis paragraph

- Personal commentary analysis.

- Roman numeral; use Roman numeral one for each primary resources paragraph and Roman numeral 2 for each secondary resources paragraph.

Must footnote at least three bits of data from three scholarly sources (primary sources)

- Try to use as many of the following basic political economic terms as possible: East Asian Model of Developement Export Oriented Strategy Rent Seeking Structural Adjustment Programme Efficiency Oriented Investment Foreign Direct Investment Horizontal Integration Intangible Asset Locational Advantages Market Oriented Investment Natural Resource Investment.

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Microeconomics: What is import substitution industrialisation
Reference No:- TGS01954179

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