
What is holding you back from achieving your dreams what do


Individuals have the opportunity to create an activity that challenges their comfort zones (fears) while simultaneously engaging them in at least one life passion. Why are you not completely satisfied with your life? What could you do at this moment that would make your life more fulfilling?

What is holding you back from achieving your dreams? What do you need to do NOW in order to live a meaningful and purposeful life? The answers to these questions are GREAT ideas for a Developmental Activity!!

The activity you create should be energizing, life changing, and FUN!!! All activities involve writing a proposal, journal, and written analysis. If the process becomes de-energizing, please meet with Dr. Wesolowski to redefine your activity.

All proposals must utilize the following outline implementing work motivation theories to enhance specificity, accountability, and likelihood of success.

Please be sure to follow the proposal guidelines verbatim and address each goal setting concept to increase the likelihood that your goal will be achieved.

For example, if your self-efficacy is low or lower than you would like you should discuss which technique(s) you will use to increase it. The more you can operationalize your goal into directly observable behaviors the more accountability and growth you create for yourself.

SMART goals for your outcomes clearly identify which specific behaviors in quadrants I, HI and IV you will delete and which quadrant II behaviors you will start utilizing on a daily basis. How will each day look different when you first implement your goal setting project?

Your goal will also likely evolve as you continue to learn new strategies, concepts, etc. while implementing your learning goals. I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have additional questions. Thanks


A. Performance Goal(s) (Short-Term/Outcome Oriented)

1. Overall Performance Goal(s) Statement

2. Performance Goal Attributes (-SMART" goals optimize Motivation, Development, Learning and Performance)

a. Specific and clearly defined goals promote accountability. Please identify both your long-term and short-term goals using specific and clearly defined language.

b. Measures that are objective unmistakably establish goal achievement.

c. Attainable but difficult goals create a challenging, developmental, and learning experience.

d. Relevant, purposefid, and meaningful goals enhance commitment.

e. Timely completion dates promote goal focus.

B. Learning Goal(s) (Long-Term/Process Oriented)

1. Overall Learning Goal(s) Statement

2. Learning Goal Attributes (Developing and Identifying Success Strategies via Research)

a. Developing Self-Efficacy via Mastery, Verbal Persuasion, Modeling, and Physiological/Psychological Arousal?

C. Choosing Difficult and Challenging Goals

1. The Importance of Incentives, Competition, and Leader/Supervisor (Professor) Emotional Support

2. The Importance of Self-Determination Needs (i.e., Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness)

3. The Importance of Personal Characteristics (e.g., Self-efficacy, Conscientiousness, Self-Esteem, Locus of Control, and Goal
Orientation). Potentially interesting variables (e.g., Happiness)

4. The Importance of Positive Organizational Psychology constructs (e.g., Self-Confidence, Hope, Optimism, and Resilience)


1. Personal /Situational Obstacles

2. Paradigm Shifts (Outcome vs. Process, Control vs. Developmental, Eliminating Quadrant 3 and Quadrant 4 Activities)

3. Moderators (i.e., When Are You Motivated? Includes Goal Clarity, Feedback, Commitment, Ability, and Task Complexity)

4. Mediators (i.e., Why Are You Motivated? Includes Goal Direction, Effort, Persistence, and Identifying Success Strategies)


1. Expectancy Perceptions (Effort >Performance Relationship)

2. Instrumentality Perceptions (Performance >Rewards Relationship)

a. Trust (Self and Others). Potentially interesting variables (e.g., Forgiveness, Dignity)

3. Valence Perceptions (Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards)

. atatelidle,, indicates that you plan to journal your personal experiences incorporating course readings/principles and
research study articles throughout the semester (several times a week) as you engage with your activity.

G. references

1. Please identify at least five references (three must be research study articles less than ten years old) using APA format style.


Writing a journal involves documenting your personal experiences (several times a week) as you engage with your activity throughout the semester.

Each journal entry MUST address at least one course concept. It is imperative that your journal entries thoroughly synthesize course readings, concepts and principles, work motivation theories (e.g., emotional intelligence, self-determination, self-efficacy, expectancy, job characteristics, goal setting, reinforcement, equity, organizational justice, and Locke-Latham model), relevant empirical research studies, and ethical practice concepts. It is Academic Misconduct to artificially create a journal at the end of the term.


Each person must synthesize his/her experience which comprehensively discusses the complexities and challenges associated with designing motivational processes important for development and assessing important outcomes (e.g., satisfaction, equity perceptions, need achievement, received rewards, justice perceptions, commitment, etc. ).

The "A" paper is grammatically exceptional, integrative, well organized (with meaningful headings and subheadings), and clearly demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of motivational principles from a theoretical, research, and ethical practice perspective. The "A" paper does not present a superficial laundry list of course concepts but rather synthesizes course principles and readings utilizing the Locke-Latham model.

The reference section must identify at least five references (three must be research articles less than ten years old) using APA format style utilized with your activity.

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