
What is hisher education experience job and life

TOPIC:Interview with a Healthcare Administrator

The information you incorporate in your course paper will be derived from a minimum of (3) three sources: an interview you will conduct with a healthcare administrator, and a minimum of two (2) evidence-based articles from peer-reviewed journals and textbooks.

Format your paper using the APA Style Guide. Please note you are not required to write an abstract. You will find information on APA in the Course Materials and Resources section of this course.

The paper should be no longer than 4-6 pages total (including title page, references, and appendices).

Note: You are required to use a minimum of two (2) outside resources for this assignment, in addition to your interview. When conducting your research, it is highly recommended that you utilize the ECPI Online Library.

Your paper must include at least five sections. You may use the following as subtitles:

•Introduction (no subtitle is necessary)

•Background of the Administrator

•Administrator's Role

•Knowledge Needed For This Role

•Regulatory Compliance

•Summary (no subtitle is necessary)


A. Appearance and Basic Writing

•No more than 4-5 pages, total

•APA Format with Title and References Page

•Introductory Paragraph and Conclusions/ Summary Paragraph

•No grammar, spelling, punctuation errors

•Appears to be proofread and edited for clarity.

•Headings are used to identify specific sections of the paper.

•No evidence of plagiarism. Quotes and paraphrasing documented according to APA.

B. Section I: Background of the Administrator

•Fully describe the person you interviewed.

•What is his/her education experience, job and life experiences that brought them to healthcare administration?

C. Section II: Administrator's Role

•Describe the title, role and job description of this administrator

•Describe the organizational chart and where this administrator is on the chart.

•Whom does the administrator report to? How often? Which types of issues/problems? (position requirements, standing within the organization, etc.)

•What are the administrator's strengths and weaknesses for fulfilling this position?

•Is this a typical role for a facility like this?

D. Section III: Knowledge Needed For This Role

•Identify the knowledge and skills needed to do this job effectively.

•Discuss your own strengths and weaknesses in relation to this position.

•What personal development would you require to fulfill this role?

E. Section IV: Regulatory Compliance

•Discuss the regulatory process and agencies that the healthcare administrator must comply with.

•How did they learn the regulations?

•What are the consequences of following/not following the regulations?

E. Section V: Summary

•A one-paragraph summary of the major learning that occurred during the interview process.

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Dissertation: What is hisher education experience job and life
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