Assignment Task: 79 year old Mexican American patient with a history of high cholesterol x 11 years, smoker x 50 pack years (stopped 16 years ago), impaired fasting glucose x 1 year and hypertension x 3 years, stable angina x 2 in past 3 months (seen in ED in So Cal while visiting family) .
Today's VS: 157/ 93, p 90, RR 14, T 98.4 orally, O2 sat 98% RA, BMI 29
Last labs: A1c: 6.1, FG: 119, TC 240, LDL 140, HDL 34, TGL 338, CR 55- 6 months ago
Current meds:
Simvastatin 40mg daily, Metformen 500mg BID x 9 months and HCTZ 25mg daily for 12 months, Nitroglycerin prn CP (new).
PE : Cardiac: RRR, pulse 90, PMI displaced to axial. Lungs: CTA Bilaterally Extremities: Pulses decreased, +1 pitting edema. Skin intact, LE extremities cooler than UE.
Last visit with you was 6 months ago. You referred her to Cardio, but she never went.
1. What is her ASCVD with the current objective information ?
2. You order an EKG today and the results show Left ventricular hypertrophy with ST-T changes.
3. What is likely going on?
4. What medications changes might you consider to improve BP and decrease cardiac risk factors?
5. What will you be ordering for her today before she leaves and when will you see her back again?
6. What kind of patient education will you discuss with her about her BP and cardiac health? Need Assignment Help?
7) Using the questions, create PowerPoint slides to addressing these issues.