
What is harley davidsons goal in the case is culture

Team Case Analysis

I want to make sure everyone does well on the team case analysis...so I''m going to change the instructions a little to help you out.

Case question: Which Provider should Harley Davidson select? (the ONLY question you need to focus on)

Section 1: Case background: What is Harley Davidson''s goal in the case? Is culture important in the decision making process? Keep this to 3 pages (absolutely max...I will deduct points for anything over 3 pages. Please don''t give me a summary of the case. I am very familiar with the case)

Section 2: Provider Analysis (use the information from the case only for this. Be sure to carefully analyze the Exhibits at the end of the case). You can use bullet points...but if you do you still need to provide a paragraph with each bullet point. You should make NO recommendation in this section.

a) Provider 1 (pros/cons)

b) Provider 2 (pros/cons)

c) Provider 3 (pros/cons)

Section 3: Recommendation (which provider does your team select? You MUST select one and only one provider. Defend your selection. Use information from the Exhibits as support...and information from the case. What was the main reason HD wanted to get a new system? Pay close attention to every quote from different people in the case...that will be very key to the decision making process)

Section 4: Take-aways (Remember these are "lessons learned" by YOU. I want EACH team member to come up with one or two take-aways. There must be a minimum of 4 in your case analysis. If your team has less then 4 members, then you will need to come up with more than one each. If your team has MORE than 4, the your case will need to include MORE than 4 take-aways (remember that these are the MINIMUM requirements) Please put the team member name next to each. Please use this format:

Take Away #1: Blah...blah...blah...blah (team member name). (put this line in Bold)

[ Write a paragraph or two about what YOU learned from the case. Not what Harley Davidson learned. The lesson learned should be something YOU can use in your current job. Please put EACH take away on a separate page. Each should be 3/4 page or more

For example....a take-away for Lands'' End could be: here is example of how it should appear in your case analysis.

Take Away #1: You may be able to gain a competitive advantage with technology, but it is much more difficult to sustain it (Rick Taylor)

Paragraph(s) to explain your take away.

Take Away #2: Blah...blah...blah...blah (team member name)

Take Away 3: Blah...blah...blah...blah (team member name)

Take Away #4: Blah...blah...blah...blah (team member name)

Section 5: Integrations (Use the SAME format as take-aways) Each team member needs to come up with at least ONE integration point with OTHER CASES that you read from the assigned in cases in the syllabus. There must be AT LEAST different CASES integrated. Please put EACH case integrations on a separate page. Each should be approximately 3/4 page or more. I expect critical thinking and analysis...not just a review of each case. Remember that the first two readings were NOT cases, they were articles. Please don''t use these as integration points...HOWEVER...it would be good if you used these cases in supporting your decision) Examples:

Integration #1: Encyclopedia Britannica (Rick Taylor)

[Write a paragraph or two about how the issues Harley Davidson went through are similar to the issue in the Encyclopedia Case. You can come up with multiple similarities/differences between the cases, but this will only count as ONE integration]

Integration #2: Case from Class (Tony Romo)

Integration #3 Case from Class (Dak Prescott)

You will need a minimum of 4 cases from class to integrate. More will help your grade. Also...in addition to the 4 cases from class, you can integrate some companies/situation from other sources/examples. This will impress me.

Section 6: Attachments: If you have any attachments you want to add include them in this section.

Section 7: References (You need to include some references from MIS academic sources. For example, go to the library page and do a search for Technology Vendor Selection, ERP systems, etc...and I guarantee you will find many articles that you can use in your decision making process.

This case analysis should be VERY professional...cover page etc. Please start EACH section on a separate page. Create a table of contents. FYI...I will run every paper through www.turnitin.com to check for plagiarism.

WARNING: If you search the Internet for other case analyses of the Harley Davidson case, you may be disappointed with the grade on your case. Those you will find will be other people''s interpretation (often with other instructions to follow). I have seen a lot of information on the web about who the real providers are, such as SAP. Most that I have seen are incorrect. I do KNOW who the providers are.

I also personally know which provider Harley Davidson selected and why. I believe this case makes a very clear argument for one of the providers, based on the exhibits and quotes from the case. However, if you use sound logic and good reasoning you could make a case for any of the providers.

Here''s a tip that I find helpful. Have a discussion with your team members. Have each team member select a different provider and make an argument to your other member on why you think that provider should be chosen. This will help you with your think process and help you come up with the best possible solution. Remember from the other cases we have analyzed...the obvious solution may not be the best.

Attachment:- eng harley.rar

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