
What is happening in this identification


In a paragraph for the following 1- to 31 of the IDs below that includes the following question each

A. Who is involved in this identification?

B. What is happening in this identification?

C. Where is this identification taking place?

D. When does this identification happen? This could be a specific date or it could be a period of time. It's up to you to know this.

E. Why did this identification take place?

F. So What - why is this identification important for Africana Studies? Significant to Africana Studies because it hastened the making of the African diaspora throughout the modern world


1) W.E.B Dubois
2) The Cold War
3) "To Secure These Rights"
5) Jimmie Wilson
6) Brown vs. Board of Education
7) Liberal Compromise
8) Civil Rights Movement
9) Civil Rights Act of 1964
10) Voting Rights Act of 1965
11) Kwame Nkrumah
12) Panafricanism
13) OAU
14) Black Power
15) Franz Fanon
16) The Wretched of the Earth
17) Kwanzaa
18) NJAC
19) Decolonization
20) United Nations
21) Fifth Pan-African Congress
22) Gold Coast
23) Lincoln University
24) UGCC
25) Swollen Shoot Disease
26) Big Six
27) Positive Action
28) Mau Mau
29) Kikuyu
30) Dedan Kimathi
31) Land and Freedom Army

Essays - should answer the question asked and provide clear examples of evidence to support your answer. You might think about your identifications as a way to providing specific examples to support your answers.

Answer the following questions for each of the three lectures:

A. What effect did the Black Power Movement have on African people, globally?

B. What was the purpose of decolonization? How did this manifest in different parts of the world

C. What have you learned about the African diaspora this semester? What role does the past play in contemporary conditions? As a result of this class, are there any actions you are now willing to undertake, changes you might make, or ways in which you perceive the Black experience differently

Reference: The African Diaspora: A History Through Culture By Patrick Mannin

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