
What is good service

Discuss the below:

What is Good Service? And How Can We Measure It?

In today's competitive environment it is difficult for hospitality service organizations to differentiate themselves from the competition. A growing trend is for companies to offer some type of service guarantee. As you have learned from Chapter 2 in the text, managing service is difficult. In this assignment, you are asked to think about how hospitality organizations stand behind their products/services. Do actual hospitality companies use guarantees of their product and services to set themselves apart from their competition? And if so, how do they let the marketplace know about the guarantees? Finally, how do these organizations ensure that customers do not take advantage of their guarantee? Remember that organizations may not explicitly say that their product is offered right or your money back. It is likely that the guarantee, if there is any, is implicit not explicit.

Start this assignment by going to Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Directory or any other search engine to find your favorite hotel, travel agency, rent-a-car, restaurant or other hospitality organization website. You are also welcome to use any hospitality company from which you have had a recent experience with. When writing up your analysis use the following questions to guide you inquiry.

Paper must include these points (in report style not question answer)

1. Compare and contrast at least 3 company's policy of quality assurance information for consumers that is found on the company's website. Keep in mind that most companies will not say "It's right or your money back", therefore, you should be on the lookout for other ways that companies show the marketplace that they stand behind their products. This information can be presented on their website or in mass media advertising such as print, radio, or television marketing spots.

2. Which organizations provide a guarantee of some sort to their customers? Which types of organizations are less likely to offer a clear guarantee of their product?

3. How difficult was it to find guarantee? Was it explicit or implicit?

4. What do you think about service guarantees in hospitality organizations? Are they necessary? Can they help to create a competitive advantage for the organization that uses them? Does it help to distinguish them from their competitors?

5. Would you make a selection decision on a whether an hospitality organization offered a service guarantee? Why or why not?

You can pick any 3 companies. In the past some students have found it useful to pick companies that either compete with each other, such as fast-food restaurants or look at companies in different hospitality segments such as hotels, restaurants, and car rental companies that compete for the same type of customer, such as McDonalds, Super 8 Motels, and Budget Rental Agency. There are few rules so you are free to make the choices of which companies to look at that make the most sense to you.

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Other Subject: What is good service
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