
What is glaucon and adeimantus'' position

1. What is Glaucon and Adeimantus' position on what kind of good justice is? What is the position
they are really driving at between the lines? What are Glaucon's three arguments which seem to
support this position and how do they work? What is it about society that concerns Adeimantus?

2.What is the thesis of Reasons Internalism (as attributed to Williams by Shafer-Landau)? What
would it mean to deny this thesis? Why does Shafer-Landau think we should
3.Of all of the topics and issues in the wide world of ethics we have discussed this term, which
do you think it is most important for people to spend time thinking about reflectively and
critically? Why?

[If you think that people need not or should not think reflectively/critically about ethics, that is
ok too! Give me some reasons why. This question will not be graded on the philosophical merits
of your answer, but only on how clearly you explain your answer and to what extent you provide
reasons for that answer. I will not be grading very harshly here (like at all! This is basically a gift question!), but I did want to include at least one small question in this class where you have to take a stand and defend it with justification.]

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Science: What is glaucon and adeimantus'' position
Reference No:- TGS048552

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