
What is geo philosophical approach to whs

Assignment Part I:

Q1. What is GEO's philosophical approach to WHS?

Q2. Do they demonstrate a commitment towards employee safety?

Q3. Are they using a systems-approach to WHS management?

Assignment Part II:


Watch this video "Adrian's Last Day"

Q1. Using Hopkins Model, who is to blame for this fatal incident? Do this by identifying the 'victim' elements and 'system' elements.

Q2. Which is more accurate, the victim or system mindset? Explain your rationale

Assignment Part III:

Q1. Apply Hopkins Model of 'Blame the Victim v Blame the System' to each of the 6 disciplinary perspectives on WHS and consider who is to blame (ie Victim or System?).

Q2. Provide a brief explanation for each. 3. Suggestion: you can use a table to answer this question.

Assignment Part IV:

Case Study: McWane Corporation: A Dangerous Business

VIDEO: Case Study- McWane Corporation: A Dangerous Business (55:00)

Q1. What were McWane Corporation's values, attitudes and beliefs towards WHS?

Q2. Using the 'strategic approaches to WHS' discussed in Lecture 1, which of these did McWane represent initially? Which approach does the company represent now? Consider the philosophical perspective.

Q3. What economic factors contribute to McWane's WHS practices?

Q4. Imagine you are hired by McWane Corporation to (genuinely) improve WHS. Where would you start? What would you do?

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Reference No:- TGS03317149

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