
what is genesis of coronary artery diseases like

What is genesis of coronary artery diseases ?

Like any other disease conditions, origin of CAD depends on an interplay between the heredity and environment so called 'nature' and 'nurture interaction in the genesis of disease'. The hereditary factors ('nature') depend on the original stock of the population and the subsequent genetic modification through mutation and natural selection in successive generations. The external environmental factors ('nurlure') exert their influence by changing the internal milieu of chemicals, minerals and hormones that ultimately lead to the disease. The genetic make-up determines the effect of environment on the individual. The process starts in childhood but the development and rate of progression depend on the heredity and influence of environmental factor#. Indians are thought to be having a strong genetic predisposition to coronary' disease.

One of the ways by which the environment acts is the lifestyle of an individual. In fact the rising incidence of Cardio-vascular diseases in recent years is mostly ascribed to the changes in the lifestyle because of globalisation, urbanization and acculturation with adoption of an affluent lifestyle.

Coronary artery disease is truly a 'lifestyle' disease of multifactorial origin and the role and relationship of these factors can be best understood through the 'risk factor' concept.

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Biology: what is genesis of coronary artery diseases like
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