
What is general impression of african pre-colonial history

Assignment part I: Consider key periods and evens of pre-colonial (ancient) African and African American history, particularly in light of the fact that these histories are often overlooked in most American educational institutions, 

  • What is your general impression of African pre-colonial/ancient history as presented so far by Basil Davison and Zeinab Badawi, as historical sources?
  • What new information did you gain from these samples of ancient African history; and what does this specific information suggest about ancient Africa in general.
  • What specific insight/s did you gain about any aspect of African culture, during the pre-colonial times?
  • What are the explicit/intended and implied lessons of African histories; for instance, does this information in any way impact your view of today's Africans or African Americans?

Assignment part II: African America

  • What is your impression of the assignment resource (i.e., Henry Lewis Gates's "The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross" series); how specifically does this source contribute to your understanding of African American history?
  • Which particular period/s, era, and theme or issue in African America's history do you find most compelling/interesting; and why so?
  • What lessons did you learn about African American history (beyond new facts)?
  • If applicable, how does any of the history information presented in the unit resources affirm or challenge any information/data you learned elsewhere?
  • Accepting M. Karenga's characterization of history as A) human, B) fluid and C) conflictual, what are at least one example of these 3 characteristics in either African or African American history?
  • What connections can you draw between Africa and African America?
  • After engaging all of the related resources, what specific wonderments/unanswered questions remain in your mind; or, what aspect of Africana history do you wish to explore further, or to learn more about?

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History: What is general impression of african pre-colonial history
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