
What is frontloading and what are its advantages


Chapter 3: Organizing and Drafting Business Messages

Chapter Review Questions

A. What are three main activities involved in the second phase of the writing process? (p.63)

B. Distinguish between formal and informal methods of researching data for a business message. (p.63-65)

C. What are tips to make an outline? (p.66).

D. What is frontloading and what are its advantages? (p.66)

E. Distinguish between the direct and indirect strategies. When is each appropriate? (p.65-67)

F. How is a compound sentence different from a complex sentence? Give an original example of each.

G. What type of words are used to create emphasis and what is the purpose? (page 70-72)

H. Ideally, sentences should be how long? (p.69)

I. What is a dangling and misplaced modifier. Give one example. (p.73)

J. What rule regulates the length of a paragraph? (p.74-75)

K. What is a sentence fragment? How is it corrected? (p.68)

L. What is a run-on sentence? How is it corrected? (p.69)

M. What is a comma splice? How is it corrected? (p.69)

N. What is parallelism? (p. 72-73)

O. What is the purpose of a topic sentence (p.74)

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