
what is fluorescent microscope in above said

What is Fluorescent Microscope?

In above said microscopes, image is produced from light that passes through a specimen. In fluorescent microscope, however, specimen image is formed because of the light emitted by the object itself. This microscope is used more frequently to visualize specimens that are tagged with a fluorescent dye. The source of illumination here is an ultraviolet light obtained from a high-pressure mercury vapour arc lamp or hydrogen quartz lamp.

Fluorescent dye absorbs the ultraviolet light of desired wavelength and re-emits the energy in visible range. Fluorescent portion of the dye becomes visible against a black background. The fluorescent microscope has become an essential tool in medical microbiology and microbial ecology for identifying the pathogens and other microbes. The forms of light microscopy just considered, forms two-dimensional images. Besides, certain new forms of light microscopy have been developed which gives three-dimensional images. These are differential interference contrast microscopy, atomic force microscopy and confocal scanning laser microscopy.

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Biology: what is fluorescent microscope in above said
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