What is fallacious interpretation of dawkins evolution


In the Selfish Gene, Dawkins makes the argument that a better view of evolution (i.e. more in accordance with experiment) is obtained if you view the basic unit of evolution to be the gene rather than the group. Having read the book, I am convinced (inasmuch as a layperson can be convinced) that group selection comes up with incorrect predictions about evolution, so is a fallacious interpretation of evolution (is this a correct interpretation of the book and is this conclusion common opinion among biologists?).

I have heard that historically, his book was part of a backlash against the then prevalent viw of group selection.

Question : Is there an experimental way to prove whether the gene-selection or individual-selection interpretation of evolution is more correct?

If anyonw have any idea on this then please suggest.

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Biology: What is fallacious interpretation of dawkins evolution
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