
What is fair use of copyrighted material


Answer each question in your own words. APA Style

1. Johnny is an especially good hacker. He can exploit zero-day vulnerabilities, find an important file,and modify it without detection. Sally is running for dogcatcher in her local town and wants to ensure that she will win. She asked Johnny to hack and change enough votes (on the tally kept online by the town) to ensure that she gets the job after the election. He agreed, via email, when she offered to pay him $1000. Sally was so excited that she won by 11 votes. However, after the election, Sallyis no longer of the view that she needed Johnny to change votes. When she refused to pay, Johnny sued her for breach of contract, what was the result? 250 words

2. PoliticsCureCo has about 50 employees and a few information security personnel, but information security was not their priority until now. The CEO is very concerned about the status of cybersecurity at PoliticsCureCo in view of this latest breach. The CEO has just hired you as the CISO in their headquarter office in Washington, DC. She has sent you an e-mail asking your recommendations regarding adopting or using anInformation Security Governance Framework to better develop, align, coordinate and enforce proper security functions (controls). The CEO is very busy and you know that she does not like emails longer than 250 words, so keep your response 250 words or less. 250 words

3. After reading "IP (Intellectual Property) law for dummies," the CEO has sent you a separate email asking whether the new slogan and the new drugcould be protected as intellectual properties. Advise the CEO of your thoughts including any steps that could be taken to strength the argument that any proprietary information be protected from the competition. As above, the CEO is also very busy and you know that she does not like e-mails longer than 250 words, so keep your response 250 words or less. 250 words

4. What is "fair use" of copyrighted material? Assume that I have been influenced by various late night comedy shows and social media posts (e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=QXUlhT3-r0c&app=desktop), commercials (e.g., Just Do ItTM by Nike) and campaign slogans (e.g., Make America Great AgainTM) in coming up with this scenario. Please analyze whether this scenario description for this classroom examwould qualify as "fair use" of copyrighted or trademarked material. 250 words

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Operation Management: What is fair use of copyrighted material
Reference No:- TGS02948169

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