
What is evidence based practice ebp why are the 5 steps of

Examine the ways that health professionals can use the five steps of evidence based practice (EBP) as a practicalframework to overcoming barriers to locating, appraising and applying best research evidence to an occupationalhealth and safety practice. Examples of occupational health and safety practices include:?

Use of professional protective equipment (e.g. gloves)? Infection control e.g. Hand washing?

Safety considerations when using equipment (e.g. sharps)?

Lifting techniques / manual handling? (or a topic you select yourself in negotiation with your LIC)

Instructions for writing the essay:This assessment task requires you to:

1) Demonstrate an understanding of evidence based practice in health care;

2) Apply this knowledge to implementing a specific occupational health and safety practices in yourdiscipline;

3) Identify and justify the types of research knowledge that could be used to inform or guide evidence-basedhealth care practices in this situation/context; include barriers and facilitators to implementing evidenceassociated with your chosen topic.

A few points for you to consider when writing your essay:

What is evidence based practice (EBP)?? Why are the 5 steps of evidence based practice important?

What types of knowledge that could be used to inform/guide health care professionals?

Why do healthprofessionals need to use higher levels of evidence?

How do health professionals connect evidence based practice to their decisions and how they willpractically use EBP (related to your chosen topic)? ie. How does the health professional connect EBP todecisions about hand washing?

What are the barriers and facilitators to implement EBP for the practice you have chosen?

Consider potential limitations and outcomes of evidence based practice

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Essay Writing: What is evidence based practice ebp why are the 5 steps of
Reference No:- TGS0606812

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