
What is evidence-based corrections


Create a 6 page and use APA format:

From the mid-1970s onward, American correctional policy has been dominated by a get-tough movement that has sought to control crime through harsh sentencing laws and mass imprisonment. This approach has been based the correctional theories of just deserts/retribution, deterrence, and incapacitation. In light of the existing evidence, evaluate whether this approach to crime control has been sound correctional policy. In your answer, address specifically the following issues.

• First, what is evidence-based corrections? Why is it important?

• Second, what was the justice model for corrections? Did it achieve its goals of creating a correctional system that was fair and used prisons sparingly?

• Third, review the empirical evidence on deterrence theory. Focus on the types of evidence used to evaluation whether criminal sanctions or punishment deter. In this analysis, be sure to focus on the research assessing whether prisons have a specific deterrent effect.

• Fourth, as part of the discussion of deterrence, review the research on community-control programs, especially ISPs. Be sure to review the classic RAND S\ISP study by Petersilia and Turner. Cite the original study, which is one of your assigned readings.

• Fifth, review the research on the incapacitation effects of prison. Do prisons incapacitate? Compared to what?

In writing, you should divide it into sections with headings. Center and bold all main headings. If you use side headings, place them flush left, bold, and italicized.

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Other Subject: What is evidence-based corrections
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