
What is ethnocentrism

Question 1) What is ethnocentrism?  Why is it a moral problem?   Explain why someone who thinks ethnocentrism is a moral problem might think that conventional ethical relativism is true.  Some argue that if conventional ethical relativism is true, then we should be tolerant of the values of other cultures.  Explain why, if tolerance of the values of other cultures is a universal moral principle, then conventional ethical relativism is wrong.

Question 2) Consider the case of Socrates.  For Athens at the time of Socrates - according to Socrates - most people placed the highest value on "wealth, reputation, and honors".  Those were the dominant Athenian values.  Socrates criticized them for that; he argued that those are not the most important things.  He thought that far too many people thought they were wise about the most important things, but they were not.  They failed to do what he thought was most important: to examine their values and their lives dedicated to them.  As he famously said, "The unexamined life is not worth living."  So from the point of view of conventional ethical relativism, was Socrates right or wrong to criticize his fellow Athenians?  Be sure to explain your answer.

?So, again from the point of view of conventional ethical relativism, if Socrates criticized another culture or society, one that he was not a part of - e.g., Spartan society or Persian society - would Socrates be wrong to criticize them?  If our values are different from those espoused by Socrates, would Socrates be wrong to criticize us?  explain the answers. 

?Finally, do you think Socrates was wrong to criticize his fellow Athenians?  Do you think he would be wrong to criticize us?  In your answer here on what you think, be sure to indicate whether you think there are universal principles or values - and if so, which ones -- or whether you agree with conventional ethical relativism.

Question 3) Assume that, for us, freedom of speech is one of our ultimate values.  We think that censorship and silencing of dissenters is morally wrong.  But suppose another culture or society does not share our values about free speech; for them, censorship and silencing dissenters and even imprisoning them is morally right.  So, from the point of view of conventional ethical relativism, which culture, ours or the other, is right about free speech?  Be sure to explain your answer. 

?And finally, do you think that another culture or society is wrong if they do silence dissenters?  Indicate whether you think there are universal principles or values - and if so, which ones -- or whether you agree with conventional ethical relativism.

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