
What is erik erickson description of social develpment

Problem 1: What is erik erickson description of social develpment stage of children (initiative and guilt) ?

Problem 2: How to describe and interprete a child playing as discribed bellow , what skills did he develop ? Considering (cognitive, language , science , problem solving , time and history , motor skills)

The child playing in kitchen area he pretend to be the parent serving other kids, setting the table in detail and what it means each act he does, a child A enter the kitchen play area, prenetend to wash the dushes and close and open the water , and then he put the table cloth,  and put the plates and cups on the table, and calls it is lunch time ,a child B sits, then the child A says , (do you want pasta ? ) and then he hand a plate to the child B and pretend to serve tea in the cup, and gave him the child A open the fridge and get a cup and says here is the desert for you, then he go back to the sink and wash the dshes

When it was time for recess the teacher announced that it is time for recess , the child A go to the cubbies and grab his jacket and run to line up next to the teacher, at recess he grab a bike ride it and then went to another child and ask him to exchange the bike , they exchanged the bikes and then start playing race and making noises vrrr vrrrr vrrrrr and saying (I'm faster then you ) then he leaves the bikes and go to the ply structures and start climbing


Problem 3: Based on Erikson's stages, how does this child's social development compare to typical expectations for children in that age group?

Problem 4: What DRDP measures we can observe? And how were those behaviors displayed? (Measures within all domains of development, Social Physical, Cognitive and Language)

Problem 5: How the interactions you observed influenced the child's behavior.

Problem 6: What could be added to the environment to support the child's continued social development? (Materials, ways to respond to the child, routines, or other elements that might influence the child's social development)

Problem 7: What is another situation in which we might use a running record for documentation?

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Other Subject: What is erik erickson description of social develpment
Reference No:- TGS03313338

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