
What is dna- what are its functions and where is it located


Watch the YouTube video film "DNA Science - The Secret of Life Documentary". Here are some things I want you to think about while watching. you can submit online, or bring your TYPED answers to class.

A. What is DNA, what are its functions, and where is it located?

B. Did Watson and Crick 'steal' the research of Franklin and Wilkins? Does it matter? Why do you think there was so much pressure to be the 'first' to discover the structure of DNA?

C. There were 3 major things that Watson and Crick needed to know before they could figure out the DNA structure. What are these and how did they figure them out?

D. What influence did Linus Pauling and his son Peter have on the work of Watson and Crick at Cambridge?

E. Do you feel that the discovery of DNA has the potential to affect people's belief in God? How so? if not, why not?

F. In what ways has the discovery of DNA changed the world in the past 60 years?

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Biology: What is dna- what are its functions and where is it located
Reference No:- TGS03317105

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