What is diversion what are some of the eligibility

A: The Adjudicatory Process: Dispositional Alternatives

1. What types of risk assessment devices exist to evaluate the dangerousness of juvenile offenders? How do they differ from needs assessments instruments?

2.Define false positives and false negatives. How do such designation occur?

3.What is meant by selective incapacitation? How can selective incapacitation be used to reduce the number of juvenile incarcerations? Explain.

4.Identify three types of prediction devices? Define each. Which is more effective and why?

5.What are Violent Juvenile Offender Programs (VJOPs)? What are their functions?

B: Nominal Sanctions: Warnings, Diversion and Alternative Dispute Resolution

6.How does are nominal dispositions distinguished from conditional and custodial dispositions? What are some variations of nominal dispositions? How effective are they at reducing recidivism of disposed juveniles?

7.What is diversion? What are some of the eligibility requirements of prospective candidates for diversion? What are some of the benefits and limitations of diversion?

8.What is a teen court? Who are teen court members? What is alternative dispute resolution?

9.What are day reporting center? What are some of their goals and functions?

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Dissertation: What is diversion what are some of the eligibility
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