
What is disk duplexing


1. Providing physical security to a facility involves numerous methods designed to discourage a determined attacker. Perimeter fencing, gates, bollards, lighting, CCTV, as well as roaming security patrols and dogs are all designed to prevent easy access to the facility. In the event that these physical security controls are breached, perimeter monitoring and detecting devices can provide notification of further attempts to gain access to the facility. Describe three perimeter intrusion detection systems and give an example of one that you have seen deployed either at work or another location that you are familiar with.

2. Many organizations value their information so highly that they invest in a redundant site in the event that a catastrophic event interrupted service operations in their primary site. Different options are available for facility recovery at varying costs and states of readiness. Describe the differences between the hot, warm, and cold site methods of facility recovery. What is a rolling hot site? What is a reciprocal agreement?

3. There are many different categories of evidence and each type varies in its value in supporting an investigation. What are the four characteristics that help ensure that evidence is legally admissible in court? Describe hearsay evidence and its admissibility.

4. Define the different types of trusted recovery. What is meant by the term "fail secure"?

5. What is Change Management and how is it used to control security breaches? What is Configuration Management and how is it used to control security breaches? What is Patch management and how is it used to control security breaches?

6. Compare mean time between repair (MTTR) and mean time between failures (MTBF). Why can more components actually mean less reliability?

7. Describe the differences between disk shadowing, electronic vaulting, and remote journaling. What is disk duplexing and how does it differ from disk mirroring?

8. What are the five steps a team goes through when conducting a penetration test? What are the three degrees of knowledge that a penetration team can have about the target?

9. Discuss any three of the commonly exploited vulnerabilities targeted in penetration tests and the appropriate countermeasures to mitigate them.

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Management Information Sys: What is disk duplexing
Reference No:- TGS02002942

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