
What is direct voting

Discussion Questions

1) What was the Corporations Act 2001 regime on voting by proxy prior to 1st July 2011? Summarise from Corporations Act 2001 eff 07-06-2011_Extracts_Pt2G-2 Div6 (This is a version of the Corporations Act 2001 which was in force on 7th June 2011) (200 words).

2) What were the proposed changes in 2005 to prevent cherry-picking? What were the reasons? Summarise from Corporations Amendment Bill (No 2) 2005 - Exposure Draft, Corporations Amendment Bill (No 2) 2005 - Explanatory Memorandum, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services - Inquiry into the Exposure Draft of the Corporations Amendment Bill (No 2) 2005_Report June 2005 (250 words).
3) What is the current Corporations Act 2001 regime on voting by proxy? Does it resolve the problems/issues/difficulties you identified earlier? In addition, should voting the proxies be obligatory? Summarise from the Corporations Act 2001 (current version), Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Bill 2011, Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Bill 2011 - Revised Explanatory Memorandum, Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive

Remuneration) Bill 2011 - Bills Digest (600 words).

4) What is Direct Voting? Does it resolve the problems/issues/difficulties connected with voting by proxy you identified earlier? Summarise from CAMAC - Shareholder Participation in the Modern Listed Public Company - Final Report June 2000, Chartered Secretaries Australia, Expressing the voice of shareholders - A move to direct voting - A discussion paper (CSA - A move to direct voting) (600 words).

2. Reflections on what you have learned writing your Report based on your reading and critical analyses (150 words).

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Microeconomics: What is direct voting
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