
What is different about triage in children

Concept of triage:

• Textbooks Required:

1. Koenig, K. L. (2011). Koenig and Schultz’s Disaster medicine, comprehensive principles and practice. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ Pr. (available electronically in Phila U digital library or in hard copy Also available for Kindle and Kobo) https://ezproxy.philau.edu:2048/login?url=https://ebooks.cambridge.org/ebook.jsf?bid=CBO9780511902482

2. Ciottone, G. R (2006). Anderson P. D., Auf Der Heide E., Darling R. G., Jacoby I., Noji E. and Suner S. (Eds.), Disaster Medicine. Philadelphia, PA.: Mosby Elsevier.


To access the first two books, you can also see the Library’s DMM Research Guide: https://libguides.philau.edu/dmm –Just select the Books tab.

1. What are some issues regarding the concept of triage and its implications? Is the practice defensible all the time? In other words, how does the concept of ethics play a role in that function?

2. What is different about triage in children? Consider physical, physiologic and emotional issues in your response. Restrict your discussion to parameters important during disaster triage

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