What is difference between public family vs private family

Homework: Family & Society

Length: 1500 words

Answer the following questions, based on lectures as well as readings. When you refer to the reading in your answer, put the author's last name in parentheses - example: (Coontz). At the top of your exam please put your name, class, and word count. You will submit this Exam as a Word doc via Canvas by the due date/time posted in Canvas. All answers must be in your own words; no direct quoting from lecture material or readings is allowed. Please note that while this exam is open (that is, open-note, open-book), you MAY NOT work with other people on this exam. This exam is to be completed by you individually; any collaboration with other people on this exam constitutes cheating, so please be sure to work independently. Please note that exams that are late or under the word count or have direct quoting will not be accepted.

• What does it mean to take a sociological perspective of families? Why is defining family important? What is the difference between the public family vs the private family, and how has this changed throughout US history? In your answer, include four relevant points from the reading Coontz.

• In the US, many people believe that most poor people are lazy people who don't want to work and instead rely completely on welfare. Explain with facts / statistics / examples how we know these stereotypes are false. Next, research shows that social class impacts how children are raised and their life chances. Explain this with two relevant points from the reading Mintz and two relevant points from the reading Furstenberg, Jr.

• Explain how bias theory and institutional discrimination theory each explain racial-ethnic inequality in the US. Be sure to explain the types of profiling and also the four main points of institutional discrimination theory. Finally, based on the reading Aldarondo and Ameen, debunk (prove false) four stereotypes / misconceptions about immigrants / immigration.

• What is the difference between sex and gender? What is gender socialization, and explain examples of gender bias in different levels of school. How and why do women and men, on average, have different communication styles? Give examples of rapport talk vs report talk. Finally, from the reading Davis, what is intersex, and how do many medical practitioners present this issue to parents? How do parents respond?

• Explain with examples three ways LGBTQIA+ individuals face stigma / discrimination in the US. Next, from the reading Dozier, why has there been a heavy investment in asserting that same-sex parents don't differ from heterosexual parents? Give two examples of how same-sex families do in fact differ from heterosexual families.

Format your homework according to the give formatting requirements:

• The answer must be using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, and typed, with one-inch margins on all sides.

• The response also includes a cover page containing the student's name, the title of the homework, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

• Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: What is difference between public family vs private family
Reference No:- TGS03193660

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