
What is difference between a public good and a private good

Researching Macroeconomics

Complete each of the following economic problems.

Problem A

Use the national income data in the table below to compute the following:

1. GDP.
2. NDP.
3. NI.

National Income Data

National Income Accounting Data

Amount (Billions)

Compensation of employees


U.S. exports of goods and services


Consumption of fixed capital


Government purchases


Taxes on production and imports


Net private domestic investment


Transfer payments


U.S. imports of goods and services


Personal taxes


Net foreign factor income


Personal consumption expenditures


Statistical discrepancy


Problem B

Compare a $30,000 income in 1975 to that in 2015, and analyze the following questions:

1. How is the availability of products expected to change over the years?
2. How is the quality of products likely to change over the years?
3. How would your standard of living change over the years?
4. Given a choice, would you choose to live in 1975? Why or Why not?

Problem C

• In the aggregate demand model in equilibrium, GDP (Y) = C + I + X (open economy).
• Where C = consumption schedule = 100 + .75Y (consumption is a function of income).
• Where I = planned investment = 20 and X = net exports = 40. Both are independent of GDP (Y).

Use the information provided above to complete the following:

1. Calculate the equilibrium level of income or real GDP for this economy.
2. What happens to equilibrium Y if Ig changes to 15?
3. What does this outcome reveal about the size of the multiplier?
4. Can there be equilibrium level of output at below full employment?

Problem D

Answer the following questions regarding public and private goods:

1. What is the difference between a public good and a private good? What are the principal characteristics of each?
2. What are the two characteristics of public goods? Why is there a free rider problem when it comes to public goods?
3. Do you consider your local police force a public good or a private good? Why?
4. How about your local cable TV service? Explain your answer.

Internet Resources

• United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Current population survey annual social and economic supplement (CPS ASEC). Retrieved from https://www.census.gov/hhes/www/poverty/publicatio...

• United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Income data. Retrieved from https://www.census.gov/hhes/www/income/

• Russell Sage Foundation. (n.d.). Chartbook of social inequality. Retrieved from https://www.russellsage.org/sites/all/files/chartbo...

• Beggs, J. (n.d.). The production possibilities frontier. Retrieved from https://economics.about.com/od/production-possibili...

• Beggs, J. (n.d.). Supply and demand equilibrium. Retrieved from https://economics.about.com/od/market-equilibrium/s...

• McAfee, P. R. (2006). Introduction to economic analysis. Retrieved from https://www.mcafee.cc/Introecon/IEA.pdf

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Macroeconomics: What is difference between a public good and a private good
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