
What is dicks omnichannel strategy what are the three steps


CASE STUDY: Dick's Sporting Goods- Taking Control of Its E-commerce Operations

Write a 2-page critique in your own words but not to recite the case study, you should address all the questions listed in the end of each case, double space, 12 font size.

Case Study Questions

1. Why did Dick's decide to leave eBay and take over its own e-commerce operations?
2. What is Dick's omnichannel strategy?
3. What are the three steps in Dick's migration to its new website?
4. What are the primary benefits of Dick's new system?


- Understand the questions you must ask and answer, and the steps you should take, in developing an e-commerce presence.

• Questions you must ask and answer when developing an e-commerce presence include:

• What is your vision and how do you hope to accomplish it?
• What is your business and revenue model?
• Who and where is the target audience?
• What are the characteristics of the marketplace?
• Where is the content coming from?
• Conduct a SWOT analysis.
• Develop an e-commerce presence map.
• Develop a timeline.
• Develop a detailed budget.

- Explain the process that should be followed in building an e-commerce presence.

• Factors you must consider when building an e-commerce site include hardware, software, telecommuni-cations capacity, website and mobile platform design, human resources, and organizational capabilities.

• The systems development life cycle (a methodology for understanding the business objectives of a sys¬tem and designing an appropriate solution) for building an e-commerce website involves five major steps:

• Identify the specific business objectives for the site, and then develop a list of system functionalities and information requirements.

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Microeconomics: What is dicks omnichannel strategy what are the three steps
Reference No:- TGS02457203

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