
What is deep acting provide an example of deep acting what

1. Which theory best accounts for the fact that two different people can work in the same job and yet one person likes the job and the other person doesn’t?

2. What is deep acting? Provide an example of deep acting.

3. Based on the ‘Stress in America Survey’, what are the three most frequently reported factors that cause stress?

4. What is role conflict? Is this most often considered a challenge stressor or a hindrance stressor?

5. Do hindrance stressors lead to strains? Do challenge stressors lead to strains?

6. What are the three phases of the General Adaptation Syndrome?

7. Give two reasons why Type A people tend to suffer from stress-related issues more than Type B people.

8. If someone is not motivated because they don’t care about the reward, which factor of Expectancy Theory is responsible for their motivation issue?

9. If someone is not motivated because they don’t feel that their performance will lead to any rewards, which factor of Expectancy Theory is responsible for their motivation issue?

10. According to Goal Setting Theory, are goals more likely to be effective if employees perform simple tasks or complex tasks?

11. What are two ways to make someone more committed to a goal?

12. According to Expectancy Theory, is the relationship between the three components additive or multiplicative? What does this mean?

13. What are the three bases of trust? When deciding whether to trust someone, which base of trust tends to be most important when you first meet the person? How about after you’ve known them for a little while? How about after you’ve developed a close personal relationship with them?

14. What is the difference between moral awareness, moral judgement, and moral intent?

15. Which 2 types of reinforcement contingencies are targeted at increasing a desired behavior?

16. What is the Anchoring & Adjustment Heuristic? How does it impact decision-making (do people tend to adjust a lot or a little based off the anchor)?

17. What is the Availability Heuristic? Provide an example of someone using the availability heuristic for decision-making.

18. In terms of organizational commitment: (a) Is trust a good predictor? (b) Is job satisfaction a good predictor? (c) Is motivation a good predictor?

19. In terms of task performance: (a) Is trust a good predictor? (b) Is job satisfaction a good predictor? (c) Is motivation a good predictor?

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Operation Management: What is deep acting provide an example of deep acting what
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