Analyze the below Wal-Mart business case and the sample customer royalty card dataset, and then write a business report like your individual assignment one (A1) for your Walmart CEO to address the following 5 business analytics questions with equal grading weight
A. What is data strategy which Walmart should adapt? What are data privacy issues which this company should be concerned about?
B. Given the above sample customer royalty card dataset, please apply the CRISP-DM process to do a data analyst on this data to tackle this company's business problems (please explain each of the 6 2 steps in detail related to the Walmart retailing business).
C. How can you use K-means Clustering technique to do the Walmart customer profiling based on this sample dataset and what kinds of insights you are planning to find? (no actual data analytics is required!).
D. How can you use one or more Classification techniques such as Linear Regression, Logistics Regression, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Time Series Forecast, learnt from this course to do data analytics on the sample dataset and what kinds of trends or pattens you are going to find? (No actual data analytics is required!).
E. Conclude and make a final recommendation of Action Plan for Wal-Mart CEO to take based on the above business analytics work, aimed to improving Wal-Mart's data-driven decision making for better business performance and gaining competitive advantages in the global retailing marketplace.