
What is cultural ethical relativism

Question 1. What is the fact/value distinction and why is ethics an important/different kind of value claim?

Question 2. What is cultural ethical relativism, and explain 2 critiques of this view.

Question 3. What is the Divine Command Theory Paradox, and why is it important for ethics?

Question 4. Regarding Case Study Made in the U.S.A. Dumped in Brazil, Africa, Iraq: If no law is broken, do you think there is anything wrong with the practice of "dumping"? Why/why not?

Question 5. Regarding Case Study Just Drop off the Key, Lee: Do you think people have a moral obligation to repay money they borrow, or is this simply a business decision based on self interest? Are there factors such as predatory lending or unfair loans that would change your perspective? Why/why not?

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Reference No:- TGS03364997

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