What is counsellor responsibility when working with clients


It is a very important diversity consideration, and I am excited we will discuss it again here. However, let's start this discussion with an exploration of client diversity in general. All counselling relationships are multicultural counselling relationships (Sue et al., 2019). No matter how similar two people are, they are still different. For example, I might have a twin sister who I spend all my time with, but if I stand in one spot and she stands next to me, our field of vision will be slightly different, and so the way we interpret a situation will be slightly different as well. Less literally, even twins have different preferences, experiences, and feelings. I find that every client is incredibly unique, but, also, we have a shared human experience that connects us all.

According to martin et al. (2015) text and Canadian ethical codes, what is a counsellor's responsibility when working with diverse clients?

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